Kamen Rider Ex-Aid – Episode 11


Due to the deletion of Nyaa.se, individual torrents for this episode are not available. Please refer to our batch post if you’d like to download it.

Frankly, the real victims here are Level 1s.  How are we supposed to make release images if they get phased out this early?

Dai Dai Dai Dai Dai Thank You to Gustavaum for the raws!

Enjoy the subs, and see you next game!

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12 Responses to Kamen Rider Ex-Aid – Episode 11

  1. EXCITE! Subs says:

    Please reply to this comment with alternatives (DDLs, patches, etc) to keep things tidy. Thanks!


  2. marshottentot says:

    “Frankly, the real victims here are Level 1s. How are we supposed to make release images if they get phased out this early?”

    NOOOOO!! I love the LVL 1 Action!!


  3. My thoughts during this entire episode: oh no. OH NO.


  4. Jon B says:

    I kinda thought they weren’t necessary. They did look cool, but it seems the writers were forced to do it. I don’t care either way what happens. Just give me a cool series.


  5. stanczakg says:

    I enjoyed this episode! Much more than the last one which I’m sad to say was not my favorite. My only complaints are that A) Emu never thought to ask the kid’s mother why he didn’t like Christmas, and B) the whole subplot with the kid and the return of Salty (who I love) was not more important than the Genm plot of this episode. If it was removed and the story surrounding Dan was fleshed out more, this episode would have been nigh-perfect.


  6. iamman says:

    hahahaha, i am confused about this comment section


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